Deploying a Telegram Bot Using AWS Lambda

This project involves deploying a Telegram bot on AWS Lambda, enabling serverless operations. AWS Lambda allows you to run code without provisioning or managing servers, making it a cost-effective and scalable solution for deploying bots. The project covers setting up the Lambda function, integrating with the Telegram API, and configuring the necessary permissions and triggers. This demonstrates skills in serverless architecture, event-driven programming, and cloud services orchestration.

Technologies: Node.js AWS Lambda Telegram API


Step 1: Create a Telegram Bot

Use the BotFather on Telegram to create a new bot. Note down the bot token provided, as it will be used to authenticate requests.

Step 2: Set Up AWS Lambda Function

In the AWS Management Console, create a new Lambda function. Choose Node.js as the runtime and set up the execution role with the necessary permissions. Alternatively, you can use Infrastructure as Code (IaC). I used the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) to provision the necessary infrastructure.

Step 3: Write Lambda Function Code

Write the code for the Lambda function to handle messages from Telegram. Use the Telegram bot token for authentication and integrate with the Telegram API.

Step 4: Configure API Gateway

Set up an API Gateway to trigger the Lambda function based on HTTP requests from Telegram. Configure the endpoint to be invoked by the Telegram bot.

Step 5: Deploy the Lambda Function

Deploy the Lambda function and API Gateway. Note down the API endpoint URL.

Step 6: Set Webhook in Telegram

Set up the webhook in Telegram to forward updates to the API Gateway endpoint URL using the Telegram Bot API.

Step 7: Test the Telegram Bot

Test the Telegram bot by sending messages and verifying the responses. Debug and troubleshoot as needed.


Serverless Architecture

API Gateway

Event-Driven Programming

Webhook Configuration


AWS Lambda

API Gateway


Telegram API