Deploying a Static Website Using S3 Bucket

In this project, I hosted a static website using an AWS S3 bucket. This method eliminates the need to manage a server, allowing you to focus on your website's content and design. I streamline the setup and deployment process by making use of Github actions for the CI/CD pipeline. This approach is ideal for maintaining efficiency and adhering to industry standards.

Technologies: HTML CSS JavaScript Amazon S3 Bucket


Step 1: Static Website

The resume website needs to be built using HTML, CSS, and Vanilla JavaScript.

Step 2: Create Your S3 Bucket

You can create your bucket using the AWS console, the CLI, or by provisioning it through code. In my case, I used the AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM).

Configure Permissions and Enable Static Hosting

After the bucket has been created, you need to enable public access to it in the permissions tab or during creation. Create a bucket policy to enable public read access, and then enable static hosting for the bucket.

Upload Website Assets

Website files can be uploaded to the bucket either through the AWS console or CLI. If you have set up a CI/CD pipeline, the content will be uploaded automatically.

Step 5: Visit the URL

Visit the URL provided when you enabled static website hosting on the bucket.



Bucket Policy and Permissions



S3 Bucket


Github Actions